Sunday 14 July 2013

following the signs inside your mind

This is one of those times when I want to punch myself for not updating more regularly... keeping these things up-to-date is tough work, haha

Shall split this into 2-3 entries for the sake of everyone's sanity!

As for my life, I'm currently in winter break before my ~*very last semester of biomedicine*~!!! I'm so excited to finish (and I also did a winter painting breadth subject as part of my degree so I finally got to try real painting haha, bless Melbourne Uni), but I also just had a massive freak-out about portfolios. At this stage Sheridan is looking more feasible than CalArts (not even including the getting-accepted part) 'cause of the Australian dollar looking grim and all but I'm still really intimidated and just trying to push through this doubt.

Anyway enough rambling, onto the flood...


  1. This blows my mind Anneliese. You are going places!!

    1. Thanks heaps again Jasmine, fingers crossed!
      ps. I've been seeing your life drawings recently and they're really amazing! Definitely inspiring me to seriously get back into those classes like I should be.


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