Friday, 13 September 2013

with the plainest clarity

...gonna skip the usual apology spiel this time, I think it just goes without saying? Things have been slow lately but it occurs to me that college application deadlines are super close and I'm freaking out a little - I have a few other things but they're directly going into my portfolio(s) so I'll post those when I get the results! (hahah ha ha..)
Just a bunch of sketches (including some studies from the local children's farm), commissions and two illustrations I did for my university's student newspaper


life drawings

Thought I'd just post these separately. Some life drawings from the past month or two; I've been trying to go weekly but it's a bit of a hit-and-miss thing haha. This week I bumped into a whole lot of people in the ~Melbourne art world~ that I've met before (including some people I didn't know who just recognised me via that author I'm working with? ...kinda cool)

These range from 30 secs to 20 mins and are more or less in chronological order; I think there are four different models here!
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