I found a kid-sized dufflecoat in my wardrobe and stuck a belt around it h-haha my fashion sense... it was 32oC degrees yesterday ghhhgh it's nowhere near summer yet
I forgot to finish colouring his face .. oops. It was only meant to be a sketch but I got a little distracted
Stuff I wore during my final celebratory week of school (we had dress-ups...) except this looks nothing like me (and neither do the two other images up there)
Some of my favourite colours/combinations
^^^^ These four are from early October. I'm trying to relearn how to draw Finland haha but I can't ever draw characters the same anyway so idk if there's a point
Hahaha I study well, clearly :') Aleksi, a Finland-looking thing, and 'normal' Aleksi - I feel I should make proper characters one day
I have absolutely no consistency and can't even draw my favourite character, hurrah. Someone teach me how to draw /stuck in artistic pit
So ugly asdf ~*harmony*~ harmonyohlove
I had such a LotR obsession as a kid. Relevant: http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/7969/314654.jpg
I'm like Wile E. Coyote vs Road Runner Akraseena ahaha sooo slooooooooowww and I'm pretty sure my art regressed this year. (... I wasn't drawing on the back of notes again, what are you talking about)
Also! Jadesoturi was on TV a few weeks ago and I just watched it - I actually really enjoyed it! Even if it was a little confusing. I really need to not draw on a slant/real people I'm sorry
From the dates you can see how "often" I drew but I have more time now which is why there's more here than I thought there would be (read: I'm procrastinating)
I'm fairly certain this lane doesn't exist but I wanted to draw the Cathedral
Oldish photo - I don't think my back or my maths practice exams were too happy at this oops
......this wasn't my idea I swear ok that's all /goes back to study